Two romantic films, Prema Kavali and Kudhirithe Kappu Coffee are hitting the screens on February 25. While Prema Kavali, made with a budget of more than Rs 10 crores, marks the debut of Saikumar's son, Aadi, the other film Kudhirithe Kappu Coffee has Varun Sandesh in a new look. Prema Kavali is being directed by Vijayabhaskar and K Atchi Reddy is producing it. Venkat of RR MovieMakers which is producing the film is promoting Aadi in big way. Before the release of the film, the producer hired close to 300 various advertising spots including hoardings, lollipops in Hyderabad to promote the film. It's going to release in around 200 screens across the world including 19 screens in Bangalore. Saikumar has a huge fan following in Karnataka.
On the other hand, Varun Sandesh, Suma Bhattacharya starrer Kudhirtihe Kappu Coffee is banking on its storyline, music, lyrics and visuals. Made with a budget of Rs 4 crores, the film has been mostly shot in Coorg. The business offers from several regions was closed two weeks before the release of the film and the producers Shiva and Mahi are confident about their film. Ramana Salva has directed the film and Yogeshwara Sharma has composed the music. Santosh Rai is the cinematographer.
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