Has Ram Charan moved on from Merupu? It could be true, if the buzz in film circles is to be believed. After launching the film amidst huge expectations, a song was also shot with a whopping budget for Merupu. Dharani was supposed to direct the film and Kajal was signed to play the lead role. However, soon after the release and debacle of Orange, Ram Charan Tej and Chiranjeevi are believed to be concerned about the budget of the film. According to an estimation, the film would have cost around Rs 34 crore and if the film was given a green signal, it would have cost Rs 37-38 crores in the end. As per a source, Chiranjeevi was skeptical about the commercial viability of the film with such high budget and it looks like the film might have been shelved. Meanwhile, several directors are approaching Ram Charan with new scripts and now Chiranjeevi wants his son to do mass entertainers. Another rumour floating in air is that Ram Charan is listening to a story which might be the remake of Dhanush's recent Tamil film, Aadukalam. Let's wait and watch what his next move would be.
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